„With AREA SOUTH our country’s second largest economic region is emerging in the south of Austria. Where boundaries are overcome and connecting elements come to the foreground, new things emerge.
The good accessibility and the greater catchment area provide a substantial boost for the future. Our task now is to seize this once-in-a-century opportunity for Styria and Carinthia and the entire Alps-Adriatic region.
AREA SOUTH is a fresh lifeline that brings us closer together
– our economy, the people and especially the youth. A region with great potential, where people are happy to work, study, invest and most of all live.“
Josef Herk,
President of the Styrian Economic Chamber

“From Klagenfurt to Graz in three quarters of an hour – as of 2025, the Koralm Railway will bring together the two central provincial capital regions and create a new Southern Austria Economic Area: a European metropolitan region with more than one million people, hundreds of thousands of businesses and endless opportunities for further economic growth, a higher quality of life and less out-migration.
Heightened visibility as a business location and key logistics hub, closer links between education institutions, convenient mobility between urban and rural areas – all of this makes Carinthia and Styria a new centre of vital interest for people in the Alps-Adriatic region.”
Jürgen Mandl,
President of the Carinthian Economic
Creating connections is our innermost desire. The exchange of ideas and goods has shaped our history and destiny. It has been proven over generations: Where borders are overcome, new things are created; where the focus is on what connects, the economy and prosperity grow.
The new railroad axis, which overcomes two geographical borders through the Koralm and Semmering, is far more than just a railway line. It is a time and space machine that shrinks distances and travel times. It creates a fascinating economic area of 1.8 million people and almost 120,000 companies with 620,000 employees.
We have given this opportunity of the century for Styria, Carinthia and the entire Alps-Adriatic region a name:
More People. More Markets. More Togetherness.

Our working world faces one of the biggest changes in the past centuries. In just a few years it has become evident that our old work principles and models no longer apply. The way we work has changed. Shorter hours. Far too long. Often from home, then again from everywhere.
We align our work with our environment – not the other way around. The new AREA SOUTH signals a spirit of optimism. Attractive working conditions meet a unique, liveable environment located in the heart of Europe.
AREA SOUTH. More People.
One of the big advantages of economic regions is that they offer businesses access to larger and more diversified markets. New markets open up new opportunities through new customer segments and new sales areas that drive innovation and enable further growth.
With AREA SOUTH our country’s second largest economic region is emerging in the south of Austria. It is rightly considered as a one-in-a-century opportunity, because it gives businesses in Styria and Carinthia a powerful boost for the decades to come.
AREA SOUTH. More Markets.
What belongs together grows together. From Vienna to Graz or Klagenfurt in a fraction of the time it took previously – this connects us in a totally new way. Cities, business centres and enterprises move closer together, routes become shorter, more practical and more economical.
The new axis in the southeast of Austria paves the way for more contacts, more exchange and more business. It is a fresh lifeline that makes AREA SOUTH a “super region” in the heart of Europe.
AREA SOUTH. More Togetherness.
Mehr Verbindungen. Mehr Chancen. Mehr Leben.
Bottom line – AREA SUED
Action agenda – AREA SUED
In addition to the construction of the Koralm Railway, it is necessary to take accompanying infrastructure measures, which firstly ensure that the railway is used optimally, both where goods and passengers are concerned, and secondly make regions beyond the core area of the Koralm Railway more attractive, so that all regions in Southern Austria can benefit equally from the newly emerging AREA SOUTH economic area.
The task now is to extend this infrastructure package by adding a more detailed regional and local policy agenda that covers Southern Austria not only as a business and living location but also as an education and innovation hub.